Moerheim New Plant takes home prize for best novelty ‘Flowering indoor plants’

    Moerheim New Plant looks back on a successful exhibition during the IPM 2014 in Essen, Germany. The Princettia® Pearl won the prize for best novelty in the category ‘Flowering indoor plants’, a real achievement of which we are truly proud.

    Its naturally compact shape and striking white leaves make The Princettia® Pearl unique among the existing poinsettias available on the market. To accentuate the striking white colour, retailers can display the Princettia® Pearl using pots in shades of grey, black and dark metallic tones. This way the Princettia® Pearl transforms into a fresh Christmas decoration, perfect for the modern consumer!

    New set up
    Moerheim New Plants’ new set up of their booth at the IPM got a lot of attention. Dark wood, combined with white accents and an open interior allowed visitors to access the booth easily, making it easy to see all of the innovative varieties of the Suntory® Collection Europe.
    Novelties 2015
    The new booth displayed the novelties for 2015 of the Suntory® Collection Europe. Among those novelties interesting Surfinia®, Sundaville® and Lofos® varieties, which turned heads all week.

    Princettia® Pearl

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